Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis of Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay - 811 Words

Trifles is a play with a unified plot. Although there are verbal flashbacks to the events of the day of the murder of John Wright, the plays entire plot begins and ends in a span of one day. The author also extends the unified plot to create a single setting (the farmhouse kitchen). The plot centers on John Wrights murder. Mrs. Wright is the main suspect; an investigation is taking place as to the motive or reason for the crime. The Sheriff, Mr. Hale and the County Attorney are introduced first to the audience. They are investigating the crime scene. The women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, accompany the men to gather whatever of Mrs. Wrights belongings that she needs in jail. This exposition turns ironic when the women end†¦show more content†¦Mrs. Peters, well call her the antagonist, repeatedly brings up the fact that the men are only doing their job and that the law will determine Mrs. Wrights fate. Mrs. Hale, on the other hand, as the protagonist, resents the mens sneaking and snooping around. Now she turns the mens stereotype of women against them. She feels guilty about not being around the Wrights farmhouse more often. The climax of the play unfolds as the women find an empty birdcage with a broken hinge. As the two women speculate why it was empty, Mrs. Hale describes Mrs. Wright to Mrs. Peters as she knew her when they were single women. The suspects maiden name was Minnie Foster. She was a beautiful songstress. A voice that was muted when she became Mrs. Wright. When Mrs. Hale finds a dead bird in Mrs. Wrights sewing box, she soon recognizes the obvious reason why John Wright was murdered. The audience sees character motivation in Mrs. Wright. Mr. Wright was a man who used silence and coldness to control and mold his wife into someone he thought she ought to be. He killed the singing bird, which was a symbol for Mrs. Wright as Minnie Foster. In an indirect way, he killed her joy of singing, her spirit, keeping her in her own cage which she can not escape from. Unless she got rid of what (or who) was holding her prisoner. As she comes up with her own judgments, Mrs. HaleShow MoreRelatedScript Analysis of Trifles by Susan Glaspell910 Words   |  4 PagesScript Analysis of â€Å"Trifles† by Susan Glaspell Summary   In the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, there are five characters, three men and two women.   They are in a house where the murder of Mr. Wright took place the day before.   The men are trying to find evidence to name a killer or motivation to name Mrs. Wright as the murderer.   While the men are downstairs, the women occupy themselves with looking around the kitchen and living room.   They take note of Mrs. Wrights canned fruit and the factRead MoreAnalysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell846 Words   |  4 PagesSociety has put abnormal standards between women and men. Our gender equality has been an issue throughout history and legislative rights. In the short play â€Å"Trifles† by author Susan Glaspell, shows the feminist content and the failures of marriages. Mr. and Mrs. Wright had been married for a long time. They don’t have a family and live in a place that’s very solitary aside from any other houses. An investigation occurred to find the strang e death of Mr. Wright and to discovered evidence if Mrs.Read MoreAnalysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell907 Words   |  4 PagesThe play â€Å"Trifles† written by Susan Glaspell is about John Wright who was murdered. When the play begins the county attorney, sheriff, and Mr. Hale are all at Mr. Wright’s home to search for evidence for who murdered him. The two women that are in the poem are Mrs. Peters who is the sheriffs wife, and Mr. Hale’s wife, Mrs. Hale. Minnie Wright is the suspect in Mr. Wright’s case, but they are searching for answers to know exactly what happened. 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The crime scene is a mess. A sheriff, the prosecuting attorney and their wives are looking in to the gruesome death that occurred upstairs in the Wright household. It is immediately found that the men focus their attentionRead MoreAnalysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell1042 Words   |  5 Pagesits underlying meaning can represent to each character individually and together. In the short play  "Trifles† by Susan Glaspell, readers and viewers are taken back to a period that is a lot different than the current. From the surroundings, viewpoints of each sex and their assigned roles in the society all gave a greater understanding of what was portrayed and how it was essentially handled. Trifles started with the Sheriff and his wife Mrs. Peters, Mr. Hale and Mrs. Hale and the County Attorney enteringRead MoreTrifles By Susan Glaspell Analysis1738 Words   |  7 Pageswomen dont realize the struggle women before them had to undergo. In the late 19th century women werent important, respected, or anywhere near equal to men. It was common for women to be misunderstood and or assumed by men to be uncivil. Trifles by Susan Glaspell shows the depiction of women towards the end of the 1800s. Men werent as kind or laid back when it came to running the household and handling every day matters as a family. Men were dominant. It was the patriarchal ignorance of the lateRead MoreTri fles By Susan Glaspell Analysis1257 Words   |  6 PagesTrifles by Susan Glaspell is a tragic mysterious drama that has to deal with a murderous wife, and a couple of friends who cover up her tracks. Throughout the story Glaspell gives clues to the reader to help him or her figure out what will happen in the end. Glaspell Wrote Trifles in 1916, according to the year it is safe to assume that this mysterious short story was placed in a time around the 1910’s setting. The clues she leaves, such as the quilting square, the bird, the reflections in the settingRead MoreAnalysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell1425 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the plot develops through action. As soon as the play begins readers and viewers are introduced to the county attorney, the sheriff, and Mr. Hale. Due to the fact that these three men discuss the case and death of Mr. Wright quite a bit, the audience is made to believe that they are the main characters of the pl ay. However; the true protagonists of the play are revealed as soon as the men departure from the kitchen and leave the characters Mrs. Peters and MrsRead MoreAnalysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell1829 Words   |  8 PagesMurder, torture, and mayhem are merely three of the unique problems that can be found throughout the one act play Trifles by Susan Glaspell. The writer opens up the story by explaining the situation of Mrs. Wright, a middle aged woman who is being accused of murdering her husband. The crime scene is a mess. A sheriff, the prosecuting attorney and their wives are looking in to the gruesome death that occurred upstairs in the Wright household. It is immediately found that the men focus their attention

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis of The Wonders of the Invisible World - 891 Words

Analysis of The Wonders of the Invisible World In this primary document, Cotton Mather, a Puritan theologian, writes about his fears of losing the entire country to the devil and his minions as the Christian religion, in his mind, is being slowly eradicated from the entire country due to witchcraft. In 1693 Cotton Mather wrote a literary piece called The Wonders of the Invisible World a year after questionable events in defense of the persecutions of those accused and convicted in Salem for witchcraft. Throughout the document, Mather is constantly depicting the Devil and spirits as very real, tangible enemies (e.g. descriptions of â€Å"invisible hands† and unexplained supernatural happenings), that were slowly infecting the Christian†¦show more content†¦Because of the new Puritanical beliefs and practices, women were starting to have more of a role and say in society (one apart from the traditional submissive housewife). Women were just starting to grasp the idea that they were free to express themselves and not conform to the idea of being subject toShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of Cotton Mathers The Wonders Of The Invisible World888 Words   |  4 PagesConversely, Cotton Mather stood by the use spectral evidence even after his father had condemned it. In The Wonders of the Invisible World, Mather outlined his belief that the convictions in Salem were justified. In fact, it was the judges of the court of oyer and terminer who asked Mather to write a book t o clear their name. Directly contradicting his father’s stance on the admission of spectral evidence, Cotton Mather stated that, â€Å"We are Humane Creatures, and we are safe while we say, they mustRead MoreSalem Witch Hysteria And Trials1620 Words   |  7 Pages(1689) and Wonders of the Invisible World (1693). 6Mather mostly describes the possessions and behaviors of the Goodwin children, in which he observed what took place in his own home. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Flow Of Foundations Of Positive Psychology -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Flow Of Foundations Of Positive Psychology? Answer: Introducation Research methodology is been considered as the most important aspect to conduct a study effectively. It includes the structure of carrying out a study and reaching towards an effective result out of the same. The present study is been carried out by making use of mixed methodology as different tools would be used to collect and evaluate the data related to the subject matter. In context to conduct a study on quality control in automobile industry, the researcher would make use of questionnaire, interview and case studies respectively. The tools would help in acquiring relevant data from different sources and evaluating the same effectively. Questionnaire A questionnaire technique is one of the most commonly used method of collecting data for conducting a research effectively. This data collection method is been considered as an effective method of acquiring primary data and is been involves in vast number of studies by the scholars. In the present study, the researcher would be using both open ended and closed ended questions for the respondents concerning the subject matter. The investigator would be making use of self- administered questionnaire which do not require any physical attendance of the researcher and the questionnaire is been distributed through e-mails to the selected respondents (Mackey and Gass, 2015). This techniques is been also considered as time and cost effective for the researcher and helps in carrying out the research effectively. The respondents are asked to send back their responses to a specific official mail which helps the researcher to collect data efficiently. Interview The researcher would be arranging interview with a specific number of authorities to acquire more in-depth information regarding the topic. The interview would be focused with the higher level of authorities of the industry having in-depth knowledge and information about the industry specifically. This technique would mainly assist in acquiring more clear and specific information or responses over the questions related to quality control in automobile industry significantly (Brinkmann, 2014). Case studies Case study is another technique of availing data and information related to the subject matter. it is basically an exploration of the facts out of the past situation and even concerning the topic. Various case studies would be evaluated by the researcher concerning quality control in automobile industry so that to extract the relevant facts for the present study. Sampling technique The sample is the portion selected out of a large population representing as the whole. The sample of respondents would be selected out of the employees of automobile industry. The employees would be selected from different departments of the industry so that to acquire diversified opinions regarding the subject matter. Sample size In order to acquire adequate amount of responses and conduct the study effectively, the researcher would be selecting a sample of 30 respondents and would be provided with the questionnaire specifically. The respondents would be selected by making use of simple random sampling technique and would be selected randomly from diversified departments of the industry (Csikszentmihalyi and Larson, 2014). The researcher would however keep in mind that there is no gender biasness and thus would ensure to maintain a balance among the respondents as well. In addition to this, nearly about 10 respondents would be selected for interview purpose. For conducting an interview, the researcher would select higher managerial authorities out of the departments of automobile industry seeking to have more clear and detailed information of the industry. Setting The researcher would be designing the interview procedure by consulting to the dignitaries of the industry so that to avoid any issues or misleads over the study. The interviews would be arranged in the official premises only so that to make convenient for the authorities and manage their time as well. The respondents would be informed about the research motive and issues so that to convince them to participate in the interview effectively. An advanced appointment would be taken which is anticipated to be between Wednesday and Friday and nearly around 2 P. M to 4 P.M. The time and days are been mainly estimated on the basis of the daily schedules of the authorities specifically. Protocol The researcher had informed clearly about the purpose of contacting the respondents and conducting the data collection. The respondents would be identified with the help of human resource departments of the industry by stating specific criteria of the research. The researcher had even taken consent by the respondents to participate in the research prior a week to the survey. The acquisition of consent also includes a framework of ethical consideration so that to make sue about the confidentiality of the data and information collected for the study. In order to send the e-mails to the respondents, the researcher would first collect the email addresses from either the human resource departments or the respondents itself. The researcher would sent the e-mails to the respondents along with a fixed time period to submit their responses back. A copy of questionnaire would be sent to the administration also so that to avoid any of the conflict of interest in the departments prior to the res pondents. This copy would make sure and inform the administrator that the questionnaire does not include any of the unauthentic question or any issues except the research topic. Data analysis Primary data analysis was done with the help of SPSS software. The tool is widely used as it is simple and friendly software for data analysis. The analysis of questionnaire and grouping questions will be done by using this software for both close and opened ended questions. The data gathered is encoded in a excel sheet and is imported in the SPSS. The imported data is then processed using quantitative techniques to produce graphs. The statistical analysis will help in improving the validity and reliability of research. The analysis of data will help to identify the quality control measures and approaches that can be used for improving the quality in the automobile industry. Timeline It is been anticipated that the research would be accomplished in approximately 4 months. The timeframe for the research includes specific activities which would contribute in accomplishing the study effectively. The breakdown of the activities in the timeline is as follows: MONTH/ ACTIVITIES MONTH 1 MONTH 2 MONTH 3 MONTH 4 Preparation of questionnaire and interviews Collection of data and selecting the sample Data analysis and interpretation Conclusion References Brinkmann, S., 2014. Interview. In Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (pp. 1008-1010). Springer New York. Csikszentmihalyi, M. and Larson, R., 2014. Validity and reliability of the experience-sampling method. In Flow and the foundations of positive psychology (pp. 35-54). Springer Netherlands. Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.