Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Austens Use of Environment in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austens use of Environment in Pride and Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen places characters in environments that reveal important details about the characters. It would have been easy to communicate Elizabeths prejudice or Darcys pride using the voice of a narrator, but Austen chooses a more subtle and interesting method of enlightening her readers. Whether using physical surroundings or social contexts, Austen repeatedly coordinates both time and place together to create situations in which her characters can conveniently show off the assets and/or flaws of their personalities. Once placed in Austens well-chosen environments, her characters go into action. This action is more convincing than a narrator telling us†¦show more content†¦In this social context, the other characters are able to witness her interaction with Darcy, and can therefore offer different perspectives on her overall situation with him. They are also able to reveal things about themselves. For example, Jane shows her trusting nature by defending him; Charlotte shows her tendency to excuse unfavorable traits in a person perhaps because that person is wealthy; Mary shows her desire to be intelligent by offering in-depth definitions of pride and vanity. All of these details are available to readers because Austen places characters in the social context of the ball, and because she places them in a social context the next day so they can discuss the ball. Another reason Austen places the characters at the ball is to set up a comparison-and-contrast type of outlook on the two main couples in the novel: Jane and Bingley vs. Lizzy and Darcy. This scene is the first scene where Austen actually places each couple beside the other and points out their differences. Jane and Bingley dance with each other numerous times, laughing and visiting. Lizzy and Darcy dont dance or speak at all. Jane and Bingley are impressed by each other at first sight, whereas Lizzy and Darcy hold each other in contempt. This social context is the beginning of an ongoing comparison-and-contrast type of outlook on the two couples, which helps the reader better understand the strengths andShow MoreRelatedJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1693 Words   |  7 Pagescontexts through the reflections of illicit and explicit similarities and differences in the values and attributes presented. Jane Austen’s 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice and Fay Weldon’s 1 993 epistolary text Letters to Alice, both challenge the worth of their time as contexts change, but values are upheld. 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